Tuesday 24 November 2015


Okie dokie, so we all have that one job that we always dream of having but think we'll never achieve, right? Well mine was to be a holiday representative abroad. Basically living abroad, helping customers and getting paid to do so! Apparently, I can and have achieved this since by March, I should be working abroad! I know you're not as excited as me but personally I think that's bloody fantastic.

So here is one of the quotes that sits on my desk every day and helped me to believe in myself.

Honestly, I've always been quite a pessimist and have never really believed in myself. I thought that travelling to Manchester, on the train, for the first time, getting to the hotel, completing the interview and be told the same day that I had gotten the job was beyond me and yet I did it.
I just wanted to share the most wonderful advancement in my life with all of you and show you that it's actually possible to do anything you set your mind to.

Thank you for your ongoing support, I hope you enjoyed today's post and I'll see you very soon for another post!

Allie x

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