Monday, 29 June 2015


This month I joined ColoursCarousel in her book club reading Jandy Nelson's 'I'll Give You The Sun' which you can find here. First I'd just like to say that this girl helped me so much at the beginning of my blog, she gave me hope. Hope that I'd be accepted and that I could go somewhere with this. So yes, part of who you see me to be is down to her, thank you Charlotte.

Okay so the actual review. 
I thought that I would love this book and in general I did. The whole story line about a broken family and a broken childhood turned into something magical. It's all about belonging and being accepted. I'm not going to be speaking about specifics in case you'd like to read the book for yourself but, here it goes!

The meaning behind every single word was made clear as day. What Jandy wanted to portray couldn't have been written in a better way. (In case you didn't notice, that rhymed and it wasn't even intentional! Just thought I'd point that out :P). This little artist struggled through bullying, sexual confusion and family crisis - we all go through these at some point I'd say, or we can at least relate to them! I think this is what made me love the book so much. I could relate
I would recommend this book to anybody who loves to read. 

I will say, the only thing I didn't like about Jandy's book is the chapter length. When I read I like to take a break when I get to each chapter so that my eyes can rest and I still know where I am. That wasn't really possible. I found that I had to take more breaks when reading this because I couldn't read for a long enough period of time to be able to get to the next chapter. This kind of frustrated me but if this isn't something that usually bothers you then I'd say you'll love it. Other than that little moan, I can't fault the book!

I hope you enjoyed seeing how I liked this book and again, I'd like to thank Charlotte for inviting me! I'll definitely read the next one with you! 
Have a lovely day guys.


  1. This looks really good, I love the front cover! I'll definitely be buying this and giving it a read.

    1. It is, it's truly touching! The cover is definitely original!

  2. Totally agree about the chapter length, they were just too long! I am looking forward to reading the next book :)

    Bethan Likes

  3. I know what you mean about the chapter length, sometimes when a book has so much going on its so hard to digest with the length of each chapter. I'm hoping to get some Summer reading done so I'll be sure to add this to the list!

  4. I know, it got confusing at times because of the length of chapters but overall a great book :)
