Wednesday, 1 July 2015


I now have a membership to the gym! This may not seem like a big thing but for me, this is a huge step! I can go swimming, do classes and workout! So I thought I'd show you the main clothing items I'll be wearing!

These little gems are amazing! The top is from Sainsbury's and the bottoms from Peacocks. For starters, the bottoms are 3/4 length, stretchy and just the right thickness, I completely recommend these for the gym! They are so comfortable it's unreal. The top is a layered top (which can't be separated). It's nice and flow-y which means it's not going to rise up and the two colours go so well together!

For me, my weight has always been an issue. High school I was bullied. College I wasn't comfortable and I want university to be different. Now I just want you all to know this now isn't about what other people think about me. I am doing this for me. 

I want to feel comfortable in myself and not walk down the street feeling like a marshmallow due to my stomach. I want to go shopping and not have to look at the back of the rack to find me size only to realise they haven't got my size. I want to be me, the me I feel on the inside which somehow doesn't translate to the me on the outside.

This was a very personal post for me and I hope for you to be supportive.
Thank you.
Have a lovely day guys and I'll see you on Friday for a review of a new product!

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