Monday, 22 June 2015


These products are from the past couple of weeks! 

1) Head & Shoulders (this applies to both!) - thick&strong / citrus fresh for greasy hair.
I suffer from really bad dandruff. Talk about snowing? It's a blizzard but thanks to these two beautiful products, you'd never have known if I hadn't just told you that is! These were on offer at my local Tesco and were 3 for £10. For starters, these smell beautiful and have actually had compliments about the way my hair smells. They lather with as little as a 50p piece (I usually have to use about a palm full to cover my hair) and they made my hair feel better than it has in years! For a change, I thought my hair might stay on my head instead of breaking off! I highly recommend these for people who suffer from dandruff as it saved my hair from disaster and the citrus for greasy hair is exactly that. No grease whatsoever!

2) Dove - Plum and Sakura Blossom Scent.
This wasn't bought for any particular reason other than the fact that I couldn't afford my Baylis & Harding Body wash. This cost £1.99 from BodyCare and it's the best £1.99 I've spent. This scent is so beautiful it nearly trumps my favourite coconut one! It has a beautiful purple colouring to it as well. The only downside I have found with this is that it doesn't lather as well but I guess it can be expexted for a moisterising body wash.

3) Colgate Proclinical C350 toothbrush!
This is the most expensive out of all of them as you probably guessed at £25. If you didn't know, I smoke and I drink a lot of tea and coffee so my teeth get stained rather a lot. Before now, I was using a 99p toothbrush in extra hard from homebargains as it was the only one that kept my teeth relatively stain free but this has changed my teeth! It powers for 2 minutes and shuts off automatically and pauses every 30 seconds to alert you to move on to a different section of the mouth. My teeth aren't completely stain free as to do that I'd probably need to quit smoking but for the most part, this tooth brush has done the trick! I highly recommend this tooth brush for smokers especially but it would be even better at keeping teeth white for those who don't smoke since it won't be staining the teeth.

I'm sorry if I rambled on a bit but it was necessary to get my point across and show you my love for these products!
I hope you're having a lovely day. Tweet me your favourites posts or leave a link in the comments so I can have a peek. Bye guys! 


  1. Great post as usual <3 love that Dove body wash!
    Chloe xx

  2. Thank you! I love it too, I'm so tempted to go and buy the different scents!
